Health and Safety Protocols:
In response to COVID-19 here are Roots Vacation Camps Current Policies and Protocols:
Limited Contact Drop Off & Pick Up
Hand Washing/Sanitation Upon Entering and Throughout the Day
Extra Cleaning Precautions at All Facilities
Campers will be expected to bring their own water and snacks and there will be no sharing of water bottles or food.
All our new health and safety guidelines reflect the guidance put forth by local and state health departments. These new protocols may be subject change throughout the summer as we move through the summer and adapt to this ever changing landscape
We are asking families to monitor their symptoms and stay home
All camp families and staff are encouraged to "self screen" prior to the start of every day. Please ask yourself the following questions:
In The Past 24 hours, have you or any members of your household had the following symptoms?
Fever (temp of 100.00° or above), Felt Feverish, or had Chills?
Sore Throat?
Difficulty Breathing?
Gastrointestinal Symptoms? (Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting?)
Increased/Un-explained Fatigue?
New Loss of Smell/Taste?
New Muscle Aches? (Un-explained)
Any Other Signs of Illness?
Taken fever reducing medicine (Tylenol) in the last 24 hours?
In the Past 14 Days, have you had close contact with a person known to be infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)?
If the answer is YES to any of these questions, the camper/staff member WILL NOT be allowed to attend camp. (Or sent home if these symptoms appear during the camp day.
Sick campers or employees who are COVID-19 positive or symptomatic and presumed to have COVID-19 must NOT return until they have met the criteria for discontinuing home isolation and have consulted with a health care provider.